New Releases Galore: Adeptus Titanicus, Blood Bowl Star Players, and Black Library Books among Next Week’s Pre-Orders
Kill Team players around the world are getting ready to abandon ship, as the final boxed expansion for this season, Gallowfall, is set to hit pre-orders next week. In this latest release, the Leagues of Votann battle it out with the Fellgor Ravagers for possession of long-lost Ironkin cognitive units in the Gallowdark. The set includes rules and parts for both kill teams, along with exciting new terrain pieces and nine linked missions.

Fans of Adeptus Titanicus will also have plenty to look forward to, with the release of the Stratagem Cards. There are four themed packs to choose from, including two for Loyalist and Traitor Princeps, and two for Knight Households.

In Blood Bowl news, players will be able to add Dribl and Drull, a pair of low-down dirty players to their Lustrian Superleague teams. There’s also a new Star Player on the horizon, Withergrasp Doubledrool, a heavily mutated Beastman with two heads and tentacles aplenty.

Black Library has a stack of new books on offer, including The Great Devourer: The Leviathan Omnibus, a collection of stories featuring Hive Fleet Leviathan, and Pilgrims of Fire, the first story in a series covering the major Orders of the Adepta Sororitas.

As for Warhammer+, the next episode of Battle Report arrives just in time for adventurers plunging into the Wyrdhollow, and will be free for everyone to watch from May 5th. On Loremasters, viewers can delve into the history of Orpheon Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis, while the Warhammer Vault will be updated with Issue 289 of White Dwarf.
Finally, Warhammer Community will be continuing its coverage of Warhammer Fest on Monday, with more Kill Team announcements. The rest of the week will focus on the exciting changes coming to specific factions in the new edition of Warhammer 40,000, as the Faction Focus series kicks off.