CMON Previews Baratheon Heroes II Box Set
House Baratheon might be a house divided, but they still have a chance to being the one on the Iron Throne when all is said and done. In the Baratheon Heroes II box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game, players will get a selection of characters loyal to Renly Baratheon, the younger Baratheon brother. Let’s take a look at who you’ll be getting.

From the article:
Though Joffrey Baratheon currently sits on the Iron Throne, Robert’s brothers, Stannis and Renly, each feel that it should be them in that position. They have taken up arms in order to make a move on King’s Landing and assert themselves as the true heir. However, they are not teamed up to do this. They both feel the Iron Throne should be theirs and, as such, have torn House Baratheon in two. Everyone has had to choose sides in this house divided. The Baratheon Heroes #2 box set includes characters who have sworn loyalty to Renly. This new set will include a wealth of new options for House Baratheon players who have chosen to side with the younger Baratheon brother. Let’s take a look at just what comes inside.