Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Expands with “Lustria” Release
Cubicle 7 has announced the release of “Lustria,” the latest sourcebook for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, offering players a new setting to explore within the expansive Warhammer universe. This 224-page sourcebook invites adventurers to the continent of Lustria, located far to the west of the Old World, a land filled with mystery, danger, and ancient secrets.
The narrative backdrop for “Lustria” is introduced with art by JG O’Donoghue, showcasing Skeggi as seen from the sea, a settlement that serves as the initial point of exploration into Lustria. The continent’s history mentions the Bjornling explorer Losteriksson as the first Old Worlder to make landfall, establishing Skeggi, a place known for its lawlessness and the brutality of its leaders who worship Tzeentch.

Players venturing into Lustria will encounter a variety of challenges, from navigating the settlement’s dangerous streets to surviving encounters with the continent’s deadly fauna. The sourcebook details various creatures and hazards native to Lustria, such as the Blot Toad, Carrion Ant, and the Savage Orcs, as well as the Lizardmen inhabiting the Temple Cities.

Lustria is also home to Luthor Harkon, the undead ruler of the Vampire Coast, illustrating the range of characters that players may encounter. The sourcebook includes artwork by Andreas von Cotta-Schønberg and Sam Manley, depicting the Vampire Coast and the diverse flora and fauna of Lustria, enhancing the immersive experience of the setting.