Games Workshop Previews Ash Waste Stormcallers for Necromunda
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Games Workshop Previews Ash Waste Stormcallers for Necromunda

The dust storms out in the Ash Wastes are well-known to be deadly. The naturally-occurring ones are bad enough, but when a Stormcaller is around, they’re used with weapon-like precision. Get a look at this new mini coming for Necromunda in this preview. From the article: In the ash-choked wilderness of Necromunda, visibility is everything. When your…

New 40k, Necromunda Available to Pre-Order From Forge World
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New 40k, Necromunda Available to Pre-Order From Forge World

Forge World is roaring back to life after the holiday break with two new kits that you can head over and pre-order now. You’ve got the Night Lords Contekar Terminator Elite unit and you’ve got the Escher Phyrr Cats pair. Both are up in their web-shop now. Escher gangers are attracted to the big cats…

New Necromunda and Middle-earth Figures Available to Pre-Order From Forge World
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New Necromunda and Middle-earth Figures Available to Pre-Order From Forge World

Two ends of the spectrum available to pre-order from Forge World this week. On one hand, you’ve got a pair of Necromunda figures, Apollus Kage & Krotus Hark, to add to your gangs. On the others, there’s two Middle-earth kits in the form of Ruffian Leaders and Will Whitfoot & Baldo Tulpenny. So, if you…