Monday Terrain Corner
And we’re back into the work week. I hope everyone had a good weekend. Since I was feeling better, I did a whole bunch over on my foodie blog. Some hot sauce reviews. Some Mountain Dew reviews. And Chip ‘n’ Mint cookies. Like I said, pretty busy. But now that we’re back to things, that means making your gaming tables look good. Let’s check out what’s in the Terrain Corner today.
Flat Dungeon Fantasy 2 : OpenLOCK Edition Up On Kickstarter

Flame Of Udun Studio presents “FLAT Dungeon Fantasy 2” in OpenLOCK edition (A simple and modular connection system). Do you want to quickly create huge dungeons for “Dungeon Crawl Classics” or represent an ephemeral combat zone for “Dungeons & Dragons”? Then this campaign is made for you👩❤️👨!
The tiles are designed for a resin or filament printer. The main idea of this campaign is to remain simple in use and financially affordable. My old campaigns are available as an option and in a “personal use” or “merchant” version. Thank you all for your time and good games to all 👍.
WoWBuildngs does Wars in the Stars Terrain Up On Kickstarter

We are back guys, KS number 32 I believe all successful so from me to you THANK YOU for your support, I will continue as long as you guys want me around to keep your printers running 24/7. To all past backers, it’s great to see you again and to you new guys a warm welcome.
City of Gorenstædt Terrain Up On Kickstarter

The City of Gorenstædt is a set of highly detailed and 3D-printable buildings for tabletop games. All buildings feature playable interiors and come split into convenient pieces to fit your 3D printer.
Statues of the Iron city 3d printable STL Terrain Up On Kickstarter

Hello everyone. I have a set of STL statues for you to decorate your Gothic city. The design of these models is adapted for supportless printing. It is well suited for FDM and resin 3D printing.
The core set includes 3 statues as well as stretch goals as they are unlocked.
Stretch goals add two additional statues, and pedestals. And a lot of damaged and infected options.
By purchasing a merchant reward, you will unlock all stretch goals at once, and you will not have to wait for these stretch goals to be reached.
Pay What You Want: Sci-Fi Zilos Cave 3D STL Files Up On Kickstarter

The Zilos Cave is a map that presents a sci-fi touch to it along with the usual aim for making exciting tabletop game scenarios!
All the pieces have been successfully printed and you can check the pictures below.
Please let us know of any observations or suggestions that you might have.
Thank you for your visit. Any support is greatly appreciated!
The Ship – STL Printable Scenery for Wargames Up On Kickstarter

We recently ran the Wrecked Ship campaign and several people asked us about the possibility of an unwrecked ship. Here it is.
Our intention is to offer you as scenery for your game tables a ship that can cover a large part of the game table. And also, if you want to make the ship bigger you just have to print more pieces.
This scenery is ideal for a lot of different games and settings. It can be in the harbor of an urban table, in the middle of a post-apocalyptic wasteland in a war zone…