Gloom of Thrones Coming to Kickstarter
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Gloom of Thrones Coming to Kickstarter

You’ve played Gloom. You’ve watched Game of Thrones. You’ve probably thought about how, with all the tragedy in the show (or book series, I know you’re out there, too), that it’d make a great base for a Gloom set. Well, next week, you’ll be getting just that. Or, at least, the Kickstarter for just that,…

New Releases Available From Fantasy Flight Games
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New Releases Available From Fantasy Flight Games

Fantasy Flight is squeaking out some new releases just before the holidays. If you’re looking for a last-minute gift, you can head down to your LGS and pick up two new kits for Star Wars: Legion, including Chewbacca and some of his Wookie friends, get the Mother of Dragons expansion for the A Game of…