Friday Snippets
Ok, so, apparently, the pollen decided that my hubris about “feeling better” was too much and did me in the past couple days. But come hell or high water, I’m going to enjoy this weekend. It’s Cinco De Mayo and I’m going to gorge myself on tacos and nothing can stop me. But, before I dive into that, let’s nosh on some tasty, bite-sized gaming stories. Today on the platter we have:
Gwen Gaming Table by Geeknson Up On Kickstarter

Gwen Table has all you need! Save up to £824 thanks to unlocked Stretch Goals. Everyone gets USB powered 360° LED lights!
Persephone, Death Reborn – Printable STL Miniatures Up On Kickstarter

At long last the Queen of the Underworld has grown tired of the long months spent in the dreary and the dark as the summers pass. So too, however, has she come to love the God of Death, and the weary souls whose passing he oversees.
So as not to betray Hades, there is but one solution: claim the living world for the dead!
Mermaid Legend RPG Dice Set Up On Kickstarter

The bright and warm colors always bring a pleasant surprise and a good mood for the day.
But I encountered some difficulties in choosing and combining colors. What color combination can make the dice look colorful and simple? My three-year-old son gave me a lot of help. The adventure story of the mermaid taught him to be strong and independent, and he wanted a design about a brave little mermaid story. Children’s perspectives are always so pure and beautiful. When the dice samples were completed, my son was extremely excited and wanted to hide all the pearl dice in a candy box.
Swamp Wildlife – 3D Printable Animals Up On Kickstarter

Hello. Welcome to Swamp Wildlife. A campaign featuring a variety of 3D printable swamp animals. All files are pre-supported.
Outer Gods Dice Up On Kickstarter

Elder Gods have come to Earth! Great Old Ones from beyond space and time are ready to unleash all their unholy powers to devour our world, but… Only in the shape of uncharacteristic polyhedral objects. For now.
Welcome to our first Kickstarter page! High Roller is a team of two tabletop RPG fans dedicated to creating beautiful dice! If this project proves successful, we’ll put all our effort into creating more unique designs!