Explore the Untamed Lands of Iron Kingdoms with “Into the Deep Wild” Expansion on Kickstarter
Privateer Press has launched a new Kickstarter campaign for their latest expansion, Iron Kingdoms: Into the Deep Wild, which has already surpassed its initial funding goal of $60,000 by raising over $144,000 with 15 days left to go. The campaign, which ends on May 12, offers players an opportunity to venture into the savage and untamed lands of western Immoren, the most dangerous and unexplored region in the Iron Kingdoms RPG setting.

With this expansion, players can look forward to new options for playing bog trog, croak, and gatorfolk, two new wilderness-themed classes, the monster hunter and the warlord, new subclasses, gear, magic, and warbeasts. Additionally, players can embark on thrilling adventures through the wilderness with Deep Wild Excursions, a series of four gripping tales of survival, exploration, and danger.

But that’s not all. The expansion also includes a host of new monsters in Monsternomicon: The Lost Pages. The tome features over 100 new monsters for all levels of play, including blighted servants of the dragon Everblight and his dragonspawn, classic monsters from every era of the Iron Kingdoms RPG, and never-before-seen creatures that challenge any adventuring company.

Iron Kingdoms: Into the Deep Wild promises to provide players with new and unexpected threats for their games of Iron Kingdoms: Requiem, making survival a choice, not a given. So, grab your gear, ready your weapons, and abandon civilization as you journey into the Deep Wilds.