Monday Terrain Corner
Did anyone else’s last half of last week and then weekend just evaporate from underneath them? That’s what happened to me. It didn’t help that I was feeling a little under the weather. I think I’ve been unconscious more than conscious. But, I’ve also been really busy. But as that may be, it’s still my duty to tell you about cool stuff. And, in particular right now, it’s about making your gaming tables look good. Today in the Terrain Corner we have:
Dungeons Pop – Immersive Pop-Up Tabletop RPG Battle Maps Up On Kickstarter

Introducing Dungeons Pop – the NEW Immersive Pop Up Battle Map system that empowers you to set the stage for an unforgettable tabletop RPG experience in seconds! Perfectly designed for play with Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Blades in the Dark, and many more fantasy RPGs!
Our uniquely designed battle maps utilize pop up technology to create ready-to-play 3D fantasy environments that fold and unfold flat for quick play and storage.
All of our pop-up battle maps are maps are designed on a standard 1″ x 1″ grid to ensure they are compatible with the largest number of tabletop RPG systems.
The Haunted Manor 3D print Terrain Up On Kickstarter

Welcome to the Haunted Manor!! I’m back with another really cool sculpt that I think goes great with my last campaign (The Haunted Library).
The Haunted Manor features 4 playable floors with detailed interiors and accessories for you to customize your gameplay.
There are no stretch goals for this campaign – all of the interior detailing elements are included no matter the funding. Thank you all for your support!
Valhalla Trio: Starship Miniatures & Maps Up On Kickstarter

Welcome to the fourth “small-ship” campaign! It features three ships on a “half-size” poster that is 18×24 inches (instead of the usual 24×36).
This campaign presents the Valhalla-class drop ship, the “Cháo Shèng” or Pilgrim-class general transport, and the Fairlane 4000 luxury shuttle. These small ships fill both sides of the poster and the matching miniatures are sold as a set for extra savings. Digital documentation is also provided to fully describe the ships, their interiors, and background information.
GothicBlox Season 3, Modular STL Terrain for Tabletop Gaming Up On Kickstarter

Welcome brave adventurers, to the third season of modular STL terrain from Cy-Tilez. Desinged for 6, 10 and 15mm tabletop games, BLOXs can be used individualy or stacked
together to create larger structures. This is the lego of war gaming! ALL seasons are compatible, so as the number seasons grows, so does your ability to create even more terrain pieces for your tabletop!
Stone Trove Terrain Up On Kickstarter

Rocks are a critical part of making an amazing gaming table or diorama feel alive and immersive. I have been an environment artist in the video game industry for 14 years, and a miniatures terrain enthusiast for most of my life. Stone Trove is my project to bring AAA game quality assets to the tabletop. These rocks are full of detail, but still have crisp clean features that allow them to print on an FDM printer. They are designed to print well.
This is a collection of over 40 .stl files of highly detailed rocks and cliffs. These are easy to print and easy to paint. Only a couple of pieces require any support material at all. The larger rocks will be sliced to fit on a standard build plate of 220 X 220mm.
French Wagon 3D Print Terrain Up On Kickstarter

This project is designed to raise capital for the launch of Bloom’s Miniatures. Our plan is create a full line Napoleonic miniatures. Our product line will include figures, wagon, buildings, and various accessories. This projects introduces a few of our highly detailed wagon sets. We are providing a French pontoon wagon with boat and bridge, divisional wagon, flour wagon, ammunition cassion, and limber with team in STL files along with models.
This is just a small sample of the exciting sets we are releasing throughout the year.
Wasteland War Machines – 3D printable Presupported STLs Up On Kickstarter

We started out as a small group of enthusiasts and quickly grew into a thriving Discord community of passionate printers focused on learning, creating, and painting. We support over a thousand models every month, from more than 20 creators, test printing every model with our very own Atlas Vulcan Resin, which we launched last year successfully in our very first Kickstarter.
Following our previous Kickstarters – Harbingers of the Apocalypse, Nadira the Desert Rose, and the Maeklong Railway, we have our next project ready for you, and this time it is something completely different yet again!