Pirates of Skydock Starfinder Board Game Coming from Paizo
Paizo and Gale Force 9 are teaming up to bring you board games based on Paizo’s RPGs. The next one is coming to you in August. It’s Pirates of Skydock and you can get a look at it in this preview.

From the article:
In the second title developed as part of a multi-game partnership between Gale Force Nine and Paizo, you attempt to commandeer a prototype Immortal-class starship filled with top-secret tech. Can you escape Skydock aboard the vessel, or will you be caught red-handed?
Starfinder: Pirates of Skydock places players in the roles of adventurers attempting to seize a secret vessel located on Verces. To steal the starship, players must risk it all to complete dangerous tasks before they raise suspicion. Rising to these challenges requires earning glory through heroic deeds, asking for help from your friends, and perhaps obtaining a little support from external patrons who may or may not want to remain anonymous. Adventurers can work together to accomplish their goals, but only the character who has earned the most glory at the end of the game proves they have what it takes to be captain.