Friday Snippets
The weekend is almost upon us. Just gotta get through today and we’ll be there. I’m beyond excited because I got two new pickling jars that I’m going to fill up with tasty things. Also… I am currently getting a new fridge, oven, and dishwasher. It’s sweet! But, before I deal with those tasty treats, let’s nosh on some bite-sized gaming gaming stories. Today on the platter we have:
Old School Orcs Up On Kickstarter

The classic ‘Western’ Orc in loose fitting rudimentary clothing and a hood (it could be disguising hidden chainmail) is a staple of fantasy.
So, I am pleased to offer you a new range of 20 figures which with the separate shields and in many cases weapons, should give you plenty of that Satanic Panic hallmark, variety. If you look at my other ranges, you can use so many other weapons and shields that a totally unique army is a realistic possibility.
So, here are the 20 models. I’ve left weapons and standards off the command figures to allow you to really go to town and not be stuck with a single banner design.
Advantage/Disadvantage Dice Up On Kickstarter

I want to introduce a new method of rolling for advantage or disadvantage. Rolling two different dice is fun. However, rolling this new type of dice brings an exciting new element to the mix. Seeing that second internal dice break through the swirling glitter is magical.
Wasteland and Post-Apocalyptic Minis Up On Kickstarter

My name is Aniello Rivieccio , but no one call me Aniello, everybody call me just “Nello”. I am a digital artist with a past in the old school made of putty, wire and wooden tools to carve and modelling. I have been a professional modeller for a lifetime, achieving awards all over the world in the most notorius and important competitions , expecially in the historical military miniatures. The two important awards that still make me proud even today are the MFCA ( miniature figure collectors of north America ) Grand Master and the World Master Award from the international miniatures world committee . Despite I am considered almost only an historical’s miniatures artist , I always loved the fantasy world. This love, brought to life this COMMAND MINIATURES project, that I really hope with all my heart will fulfill the commitment. My efforts were made keeping in mind only to enjoy all of you.
Whatever will be the result of this campaign …I will always THANK YOU SO MUCH
Broken Anvil Studio Paint Up On Kickstarter

We are excited to announce our first introductory set of paints, The Essential Palette–available at an exclusive discount through this Kickstarter campaign. For nearly two years we have actively developed these paints, testing consistency, saturation and application to bring you what we know will be one of the best paint lines for both casual hobbyists and competition painters alike!
This campaign allows us to immediately begin production of our range of paints, meaning no additional development or waiting will be required before fulfillment. With the feedback we’ve already received on these paints from members of our painting community, professional artists, streamers and Youtubers, we believe we’ve created one of the best lines out there. We can’t wait to get them on your palettes!
In the sections below you’ll find all the information you need to know about our paints, including videos and photos showcasing the amazing results you can achieve with Broken Anvil Studio Paints.
Electric Melon Dice Available From Kraken Dice

The sweetness is unparalleled to anything on Earth: past, present, or future! You likely never taste anything like it, but from what I’ve experienced through this little piece of heaven, it has easily earned that crown. Simply a luxurious treat that any fan of melon treats in general must try at least once in their lifetime! Words alone cannot convey the feeling of bliss this treat will give you. Please treat yourself to them and see for yourself.