The Danube Campaign – Part 1: A Milestone in Recreating Napoleon’s Last Triumph on Kickstarter
More than Triple Its Initial Funding Goal, The Project Draws Attention from History and Miniature Enthusiasts Alike.
History buffs and miniature enthusiasts, rejoice! “The Danube Campaign – Part 1,” a new Kickstarter campaign dedicated to recreating Napoleon’s last triumphant campaign in 28mm scale, has surpassed its initial goal of $10,682, with $37,025 pledged so far and 21 days still remaining.

An Ambitious Recreation of War of 1809
The project serves as a pivotal step toward achieving the goal of recreating the War of 1809 in its entirety. The set includes both French and Austrian forces, enabling supporters to simulate numerous historical battles. The effort builds upon an earlier project focused on the Austrian forces, known as “The Alps Aflame.”

The War of the Fifth Coalition has always fascinated the creator, particularly the early days of the campaign in April 1809. The period, later described by Napoleon as his “most brilliant and most skillful manoeuvres,” witnessed four significant victories for the French forces in just five days.
A Glimpse into Napoleon’s Dual Fate
While the project celebrates Napoleon’s triumphs, it does not shy away from portraying his setbacks. The Battle of Aspern-Essling marked the Emperor’s first significant defeat and initiated a shift in public perception, impacting the invincible image he had built up.

This project serves as the first of two planned phases, with the second scheduled to launch early next year. The follow-up will introduce more cavalry for the French and Austrians, additional infantry and artillery for both sides, and the iconic Imperial Guards. After the completion of these two phases, the focus will shift to some of the smaller nations involved in the War of 1809.