Paizo Releases Fifth Starfinder Field Test for Second Edition
Paizo has released the fifth installment of its field test series for the upcoming Starfinder Second Edition, this time focusing on combat encounters. The latest release, titled “Encounters of the Second Edition Kind,” introduces players to combat scenarios tailored for both 1st and 5th-level characters, deviating from previous tests that showcased new classes and ancestries.
The first encounter in the series sets players against the Corpse Fleet privateers as they defend a critical data center. For groups seeking additional challenges, a bonus stat block provides the option to face a tougher opponent. The second scenario involves a confrontation with Aeon Guard troopers, protected by an unspecified but reportedly dangerous creature. This test is designed for 5th-level characters, emphasizing strategic combat skills.

Each scenario includes a complete set of resources such as a battle map, enemy stat blocks, descriptions of enemy tactics, and a preview of new weapon traits. These materials are aimed at giving players a practical introduction to the mechanics and narrative elements expected in the second edition.
Accompanying illustrations by Mirco Paganessi and Roberto Pitturru add visual depth to the encounters, featuring designs like cybernetic zombies and cybernetic Aeon troopers.
Paizo also announced that the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook will be released at Gen Con 2024. The rulebook will be available as a free PDF download, with a softcover version offered in limited quantities. Alongside the rulebook, Paizo plans to release two playtest scenarios and a 64-page module, providing more content for testing and feedback.

Updates on further developments and upcoming events related to Starfinder Second Edition can be found on the official playtest website, PaizoCon Online 2024 will host several panels discussing the transition from the first to the second edition of Starfinder.