Thursday Terrain Corner
This week is… I’m more than ready to get to that weekend, lemme just say that. But it’s ok. We’re on Friday Eve, so there’s not much more to go and we’re there. But, before then, let’s making your gaming tables look good with some terrain in our Terrain Corner. Today we have:
Asgard Rising Minis and Terrain Up On Kickstarter

3D Printable Miniatures and Terrain for RPG & Tabletop Wargames (Pre-supported STL Files)
Underground Adventures Re-launches on Kickstarter

Hello everyone,
after the resounding success of the previous project we have decided to do a relaunch for all of you who didn’t have the chance to get it!
ApocaDiner Terrain Up On Kickstarter

Are you ready for the end of the world? Do you want to be prepared for everything that comes your way?
Our truck is designed to be both practical and stylish, with a sturdy frame that can withstand rough terrain and a sleek, futuristic exterior that will turn heads wherever you go. With its powerful engine and off-road capabilities, this truck is perfect for surviving in a world where the rules have changed. But what sets our truck apart is its customization. You can customize the look of the truck, with a range of accessories to make it truly yours. By choosing the pladge with Diner and Container you will be able to create your post apocalyptic diorama or the scenario of your favorite board game!
So, if you’re preparing for the apocalypse or just want a great new miniature or scenery to set your games, support our 3D printable ApocaDiner right now!
Eversong The Hidden City Up On Kickstarter

Welcome Kickstarter backers! TabletopTerrain is back and we’re so excited to share our most recent creation with you! The Hidden City of Eversong is a hand crafted Elven adventure terrain set designed for your tabletop gaming!
Mimic Manor 3D Print Terrain Up On Kickstarter

Hello! My name is Jamie and I sculpt minis for 3D printing 😀
This campaign ‘Mimic Manor 2!’, I am looking to fund the creation of a new set of mimics polymorphed into various inanimate objects in both their motionless/hidden forms and revealed forms.
Arabian Nights Miniatures and Terrain Up On Kickstarter

Welcome to the magical world of The Arabian Nights… Hi, I’m Mohab Rizkallah from MiniaturesCraze. I’m fascinated by the stories and folklore of different cultures, and I have that habit of blending culture, folklore and fantasy together through my work…
In this campaign, I’m creating a miniatures set and buildings inspired by Arabian Nights. These miniatures will allow your most beloved characters to life on your tabletop.
I’m also creating a PDF file with, Characters backstories, Stats and story ideas that will help you through your adventures in your own created the Arabian Nights world.
I’m excited to share this project with you, and I hope you’ll join me in bringing the world of Arabian Nights to life.