CMON Announces Starcadia Quest Kickstarter
The campaign for Cthulhu: Death May Die might be over, but like CMON does with their projects, when one ends, another begins. In this case, it’s Starcadia Quest. Yes, the Arcadia Quest brand you love so much is blasting off into space. It’s new quests, new monsters, new guilds, new heroes, and the pvpve format in the dark recesses of space. The Kickstarter campaign will launch August 28th.

From the announcement:
CMON’s newest Kickstarter promises to be out of this world! Starcadia Quest is an all new stand-alone campaign game for 2 to 4 players. The dastardly Supreme Commander Thorne is looking to control the galaxy (at least a good portion of it) and each player leads a crew of two heroes flying through space on a quest to defeat him. While they share the same goal, the different crews are not exactly in league with one another. They will compete as much with each other, as they do with Thorne and his army.
Players choose the direction their campaign takes, following different branching paths, each with their own unique experiences along the way. They must choose which opportunities to pursue, and which ones to leave behind—a decision that can have serious consequences later in the campaign.
Starcadia Quest takes place in a remote galaxy. A galaxy filled with aliens, lasers, treasure, and rugged heroes ready to take on anything. It’s coming to Kickstarter on August 28 at 3 PM EST, so prepare your star chart, begin the countdown, and set your phasers for fun!